
new year’s

Photography by Dr. Padval

Need a New Year’s Resolution?

Give Those Teeth More T.L.C.! Here are some New Year’s resolutions you’ll find easy to make. Just keep all five in mind and, chances are, you’ll enjoy a year free of avoidable tooth emergencies! Let those teeth do the job they were meant for—chewing food. Too many people use their teeth to cut thread or fishing line, crack nuts, pull staples, and tear open packages. It’s not nice… to make teeth crush ice! Exposing teeth to the hard, cold surface of an ice cube [...]

By |2023-09-12T08:00:54-07:00September 12, 2023|Preventative Dentistry|

Simple Dental Resolutions in 2016

A new year, a blank page. For most, it's the perfect opportunity to make Resolutions. Nobody ever resolves "to feel guilty after failing to keep resolutions." Yet that's the one we actually keep! How to avoid making this resolution business an empty self-promise? How about narrowing it to just one? Make it something you CAN achieve and, most importantly, WANT to achieve. Psychological researchers find resolutions pan out when motivation comes from within instead of without ("my spouse wants me to lose weight"). Then [...]

By |2016-01-05T00:00:21-08:00January 5, 2016|Preventative Dentistry|

Dental Resolutions for the New Year

Stop smoking. Lose 30 pounds. Exercise at the gym three times a week. No wonder most "New Years' Resolutions" barely make it to January 31. Lighten up on yourself. And make some dental New Years' Resolutions you know you can keep: A hygiene visit every six months. It's the simplest way to prevent developing dental problems. You don't have to do a thing except show up! Brush and floss in the morning, and again before bedtime. Practicing dental hygiene twice daily more than doubles [...]

By |2015-01-06T00:00:07-08:00January 6, 2015|Preventative Dentistry|