
dental fear

Photography by Dr. Padval

Anxiety—No Laughing Matter

We’d like to offer one comforting and wonderful fact about today’s dentistry: its virtually painless. Technology, new procedures, and some very sophisticated approaches to anesthesia have all contributed to painless treatment, from cleaning to cavity preparations to root canals. But what if you didn't grow up with modem dentistry, and remember it differently? If you have had difficult dental experiences, you may be among the 150 million Americans who white-knuckle their way through treatment, or avoid the dentist altogether. The fact is, about 80% of the [...]

By |2024-09-03T09:59:20-07:00October 15, 2024|Patient Education|

Coping With Dental Fear

We Have Suggestions It's normal to have some level of anxiety about going to the dentist, especially if you're expecting bad news. For many others, however, this anxiety rises to the level of fear/phobia. These patients may experience advanced signs of stress such as shaking, confusion, heart palpitations, or changes in blood pressure. Unfortunately, this fear causes many to avoid the dentist altogether. If you or someone you care about needs help in coping with dental fear, we've got some suggestions. Know that we're [...]

By |2020-10-13T08:00:32-07:00October 13, 2020|Fear & Anxiety|

Suffering with Dental Fear?

You can overcome it, and we'll help you do it! Can't bring yourself to schedule that next appointment? You may be busy, you may be a born procrastinator, or you may suffer from unwarranted dental fear. If so, you're not alone... millions stay away each year for just that reason. Everyone in our practice understands dental fear, and we're trained in forming good relationships with fearful patients. So if you're feeling apprehensive, speak up. We'll listen to your needs and work with you to [...]

By |2020-06-09T08:00:39-07:00June 9, 2020|Fear & Anxiety|

Fear…It’s All in Your Head

Fear is a learned response, and what can be learned can also be unlearned. We still have a lot to learn about fear, but certain things we do know. Dental fear, for example, is often the result of vicarious learning. Take you, for instance. Even though you've never had a tooth removed, you've maybe heard some pretty scary stuff about extractions, and the result is that the whole idea makes you nervous. That's vicarious learning. Vicarious wrong learning, too, since having a tooth out [...]

By |2016-02-23T00:00:49-08:00February 23, 2016|Patient Education|