
Preventative Dentistry

Photography by Dr. Padval

Custom Made Prevention

Above average? Me? You may be five-foot-four, a C student, never starred at sports. And yet you may be ABOVE average—in your need for dental check-ups. While two visits a year is average, more appointments should be scheduled when either the mouth builds up tartar fast, cavities multiply like bunnies, or teeth or gums experience growing pains. Fluoride has helped to improve the dental health of its users for generations, and we can now apply sealants to children’s back teeth to fend off decay. X-rays [...]

By |2023-10-10T08:00:23-07:00October 10, 2023|Preventative Dentistry|

Dental Sealants to Block Out Decay!

A simple, preventative procedure that can save you the trouble of future cavities. It's the dreaded news that nobody wants to hear after a routine dental cleaning, you have some cavities that will need to be filled. And who could blame us for feeling a bit apprehensive? The dental drill has always carried negative associations, and furthermore, the presence of cavities means your teeth are not getting the protection they need. One simple, preventative procedure that can save you the trouble of future cavities [...]

By |2023-09-26T08:00:21-07:00September 26, 2023|Preventative Dentistry|

Need a New Year’s Resolution?

Give Those Teeth More T.L.C.! Here are some New Year’s resolutions you’ll find easy to make. Just keep all five in mind and, chances are, you’ll enjoy a year free of avoidable tooth emergencies! Let those teeth do the job they were meant for—chewing food. Too many people use their teeth to cut thread or fishing line, crack nuts, pull staples, and tear open packages. It’s not nice… to make teeth crush ice! Exposing teeth to the hard, cold surface of an ice cube [...]

By |2023-09-12T08:00:54-07:00September 12, 2023|Preventative Dentistry|

Get An Oral Cancer Screening

Detect oral cancer in its early stages. If you are a user of alcohol, tobacco, or other nicotine products, you probably already know that they aren't good for your oral health. The last thing you want is to hear another lecture about kicking the habit. Well, when you visit our office, we are not here to guilt-trip you. We're here to help! And part of that process includes providing an oral cancer screening, especially if you're at high risk. Oral cancer is a relatively [...]

By |2023-05-23T08:00:18-07:00May 23, 2023|Preventative Dentistry|

Why Tongue Brushing?

Tongue brushing for better breath and better oral health. You might think tongue brushing is a waste of time. Or perhaps you just never thought of incorporating it into your routine. After all, you can't get cavities or tooth decay on your tongue, so what's the point? Well, actually, tongue brushing can improve your breath and help protect your oral health. Let us discover the ways. Just like your teeth and all surfaces of the mouth, your tongue is a warm wet environment. Furthermore, [...]

By |2023-05-09T08:00:17-07:00May 9, 2023|Preventative Dentistry|

Dental X-rays Again?

Why Do I Need X-rays Again? Whether you are visiting our office for a specific dental problem you're experiencing or just stopping by for a routine checkup, we may notify you that it's time to update your X-rays. You probably won't need new X-rays every visit; however, if significant changes have occurred or you're experiencing any pain or discomfort, new dental X-rays help us diagnose issues and pinpoint the problems. Are my old X-rays good enough? They might be, but it all depends on [...]

By |2023-03-28T08:00:09-07:00March 28, 2023|Preventative Dentistry|

Benefits of Self-Examination

Make Self-Examination Part Of Your Routine Most people know the importance of brushing and flossing their teeth, but one part of your oral health routine you may be neglecting is a simple visual self-examination. Take some time to get acquainted with all the parts of your mouth. You probably know what your teeth look like, but you should also note the appearance of your tongue, gums, back of the throat, and other soft tissues. You don't have to know what all the parts are [...]

By |2023-02-07T08:00:50-08:00February 7, 2023|Preventative Dentistry|

Dental Care For Seniors

Why Oral Health Is So Important To Seniors As we age, proper oral health is just as important as ever. And, there are additional concerns to take into account. Seniors living on a fixed income may have limited access to care, as well as health issues such as age-related memory loss. If you are a senior, it's essential to continue taking care of yourself. If you have an aging parent or other loved ones, help them maintain their highest quality of life with proper [...]

By |2022-09-27T08:00:45-07:00September 27, 2022|Preventative Dentistry|

Oral Cancer Prevention

Critical Oral Cancer Facts And what to know about prevention Oral cancer is one of the most common forms of the disease. Every year, over 50,000 Americans receive a diagnosis. Typically, it affects men at twice the rate of women and is most often diagnosed in those 40 years of age and older. Risk factors include tobacco use (especially chewing tobacco), consuming alcohol, and contracting human papillomavirus (HPV). If these characteristics describe you, then be sure to do your best to change the behavior! [...]

By |2022-04-12T08:00:04-07:00April 12, 2022|Preventative Dentistry|

What’s in Toothpaste?

And Why Is Using It Important? Toothpaste is the first line of defense for your teeth and overall oral health. A proper oral hygiene regimen means you should be brushing twice a day—once before bedtime and once in the morning. That's because, during the night, saliva flow lessens and bacteria growth is at its highest, so it's important to brush before and after this period, when your teeth are at their most vulnerable. Brushing is the best way to prevent the buildup of plaque, [...]

By |2022-03-22T08:00:24-07:00March 22, 2022|Preventative Dentistry|