
tooth colored fillings

Photography by Dr. Padval

Even When Tiny… Tooth Cracks Need Attention

Every tooth fracture needs prompt treatment. No chip or crack is insignificant. Unfortunately, some cracks are too small to be seen, even by a trained eye. Sometimes the culprit is a hairline crack in what looks like a healthy tooth. You may not be aware of the damage until pain fills your mouth. You may not even be sure which tooth is causing you trouble. Chips and cracks cannot be safely ignored. Untreated, tooth fractures grow larger and longer, inviting bacteria and tooth decay. [...]

By |2017-06-13T00:00:42-07:00June 13, 2017|Restorative Dentistry|

The Makings of a Better Smile

One of the best things about today's cosmetic dentistry is how dramatically your smile can be enhanced with very simple, conservative procedures. All of us differ in terms of our appetite for cosmetic improvement. But a custom plan can be developed that fits your own particular desire—and comfort level—to a "T." A great smile is the sum of its components. These include color, tooth spacing, size, straightness, gum line, and more. As we age, all of these components can be negatively affected: teeth darken, [...]

By |2017-02-07T00:00:20-08:00February 7, 2017|Cosmetic Dentistry|