
tongue thrusting

Photography by Dr. Padval


Train that Tongue Without therapy, the wrong oral habits, sooner or later, will cause tooth movement, breathing and speech problems You'd think swallowing is easy as falling off a log. But some of us need help retraining muscles that we've been using wrong all along. A "bad" swallow is just the luck of the draw, usually caused by unbalanced facial muscles or enlarged tonsils. When you swallow normally (and we do it about 2,000 times a day), the tip of the tongue is against [...]

By |2017-04-11T00:00:14-07:00April 11, 2017|Patient Education|

What Did You Say?

We've all heard young children speak "baby talk." Sometimes it can sound endearing—or it may be a speech defect. In early infancy, babies begin to make vowel sounds, usually mastered by age three. Consonant sounds are more difficult and come a little later on. By the eighth birthday, most children can pronounce all consonants and are 100% intelligible. But some children have more difficulty with speech and may need help learning. Lisping—The most common speech defect is lisping, which is relatively easy to correct. [...]

By |2017-01-24T00:00:06-08:00January 24, 2017|Children's Dentistry|