
thumb sucking

Photography by Dr. Padval

Lend Baby Teeth a Hand

Here today...gone too soon. Don’t neglect baby teeth because the health of their replacements is right beneath the surface. Caring for your child’s baby teeth lays a foundation for a lifetime of oral health, so teach good dental hygiene habits while the child is very young. Before the first teeth begin to surface, rub baby’s gums with a clean, damp wash cloth after every feeding. Continue as the teeth emerge until baby is old enough to hold a toothbrush. Teach your children how to [...]

By |2024-09-02T14:19:58-07:00July 18, 2023|Children's Dentistry|

Pacifier Teeth

Babies and Toddlers May Develop "Pacifier Teeth" Problems can result from comforting habits. Pacifier Teeth, a dental condition that affects babies and toddlers, can be the result of either too much thumb-sucking or pacifier use. We all know that babies love sucking on their bottles, pacifiers, and even their thumbs. But, if it goes on too long, it can become a bad habit that threatens the health and development of teeth. How does pacifier teeth happen? The suction creates such a strong force that [...]

By |2021-06-15T08:00:30-07:00June 15, 2021|Children's Dentistry|

The Battle of the Thumb

What's Wrong with Sucking Your Thumb? Most parents of preschoolers are engaged in the "battle of the thumb." The thumb usually wins hands down. Continuous pressure on teeth from sucking can affect bone growth or even change the shape of the roof of the mouth. Upper teeth are sometimes pushed out while bottom teeth are pushed in. Speech and swallowing may also be affected. What's a parent to do? Generally, a positive approach is the best defense in helping your child conquer the habit. [...]

By |2018-09-25T00:00:19-07:00September 25, 2018|Children's Dentistry|

Thumb Sucking—A Most Common Habit

What’s the most common thing nearly half of American toddlers do when they’re tired, relaxing, sleeping or being scolded? They suck their thumbs! Thumb-sucking is the earliest and most common habit among children. It’s nothing for parents to worry about—unless the habit persists. Only after age four does thumb-sucking threaten to damage children’s teeth Some thumb-suckers simply rest the thumb in the mouth, sucking only at certain times. Others work at the habit, and can displace teeth severely. If, when you remove the thumb [...]

By |2015-10-27T00:00:56-07:00October 27, 2015|Children's Dentistry|