

Photography by Dr. Padval

Tongue Piercing

A Bit on Body Art In every big city—and down on a lot of farms—"body art" is all the rage. While we begged our parents for discreet earrings, our children are piercing various body parts in surprising places. Lips, tongue, cheeks, even the uvula (the dangling thingie in the back of the throat) are fair game in and around the mouth. Aesthetics aside, how dangerous is piercing, really? First, the downside Piercing usually happens at a salon or, more often, a tattoo parlor. Though [...]

By |2016-12-20T00:00:29-08:00December 20, 2016|Patient Education|

Waiting to Exhale

It’s not the best way to deal with bad breath... Do you have bad breath, aka halitosis? If so, what are you doing about it, besides turning your face away from anyone who comes near? Finding the cure means first finding the cause. In many cases, food particles and bacterial plaque accumulate toward the back of your tongue and go bad there. But you might also be suffering inflamed gums, infection, saliva deficiency, stomach upset, even anxiety. Dieting can bring it on, as can [...]

By |2015-02-17T00:00:28-08:00February 17, 2015|Restorative Dentistry|