
heart attack

Photography by Dr. Padval

Gum Disease & Public Health

Gum Disease has Bigger Implications Gum disease continues to pose a significant threat to public health, with some studies suggesting more American adults have gum disease than previously thought. As detection, screening, and awareness has improved over the years, we now know that the prevalence of moderate to severe periodontal disease may have been underestimated by as much as 50 percent. Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that can destroy the gum tissue, ligaments and even the bone supporting the teeth. Left untreated, [...]

By |2019-08-06T08:00:32-07:00August 6, 2019|Periodontal Dentistry|

Do You Have Hypertension?

Let Us Know If You've Been Diagnosed With Hypertension Hypertension, known as high blood pressure, masquerades as...nothing! No visible symptoms create alarm in the victim or family members. No pain alerts the victim to the danger. Yet hypertension is one of the leading risk factors for heart attack and stroke. It's also one of the most easily controlled. The best way to combat hypertension is by following the doctor's orders and these tips: Have your blood pressure checked regularly Reduce salt and other sources [...]

By |2019-07-02T08:00:46-07:00July 2, 2019|Patient Education|

Baby Those Gums and Help Your Heart!

It started out as an unconventional theory. But now, more and more scientists, physicians and dentists are seeing the connection between gum disease and potentially fatal heart attacks. What would a problem with your gums have in common with an ailing heart? Researchers began by looking at heart attack patients and deciding what physical symptoms contributed to the attack in the first place. Their conclusions: inflammation, and infection. Then they set out to identify what might cause such inflammation and infection. High blood pressure, [...]

By |2017-04-25T00:00:58-07:00April 25, 2017|Periodontal Dentistry|

Heart Healthy News

Do you have sore, bleeding gums? Are you worried about your heart's health, and how much time may still be available to enjoy your life and family? A visit to our office just might help solve all these worries simultaneously! Fighting periodontal (gum) disease through outstanding daily hygiene and regular dental appointments is a three-for-the-price-of-one proposition. Protect your gums! Protect your teeth! And protect your heart in the bargain! Recent research has shown that the levels of two inflammatory proteins known to raise the [...]

By |2016-09-20T00:00:26-07:00September 20, 2016|Periodontal Dentistry|