

Photography by Dr. Padval

What’s with the Gloves?

You may have noticed that whenever we work inside your mouth (or touch something that will be going into your mouth) we will ALWAYS be wearing medical gloves to prevent contamination. Keeping Germs Out The subject of sterilization is more important than ever as we become more aware of the various communicable diseases that can be transmitted in the environment of a dental office. You may well ask if we wear gloves and masks to protect us from disease patients may carry. The truth [...]

By |2019-02-05T08:00:58-08:00February 5, 2019|Patient Education|

Our Infection Control Program

Visitors to our practice have probably noticed the efforts we put into making the office open and comfortable. Well, it's not just cosmetic. We're doing something about protecting your health. We consulted with experts in the field of asepsis—sterilization. Our aim was to find the best that technology has to offer to keep the practice safe for our patients. And we did. Today we meet—and exceed—the infection control standards of the American Dental Association and Center for Disease Control. Often these rigid protocols are [...]

By |2016-05-10T00:00:20-07:00May 10, 2016|Patient Education|


Keeping Our Office Safe For You We follow all guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and American Dental Association, particularly sterilization procedures for instruments used in the mouth. This means high speed drills too. Our autoclave is state-of-the-science—it’s monitored regularly by an independent testing laboratory to verify complete effectiveness. All clinical personnel wear masks and gloves when treating patients. After every patient, we cleanse our hands, then put on a new pair of gloves, right in front of you. Countertops, dental chairs, [...]

By |2015-05-05T00:00:55-07:00May 5, 2015|Patient Education|