
cold sore

Photography by Dr. Padval

Other Oral Concerns… Besides Teeth

Common Problems of the Oral Cavity Most people associate dentistry with teeth. But the fact is, our focus is on the continued good health of your entire mouth–the oral cavity, as we dentists call it. The Tongue It's a highly helpful indicator of what may be going right–or wrong–inside the mouth. A smooth, or red tongue might suggest some sort of vitamin or mineral deficiency, while a chronically painful tongue may simply suggest poorly-fitting dentures. Dry Mouth (Xerostomia) Beyond just being uncomfortable, dry mouth [...]

By |2019-05-21T08:00:39-07:00May 21, 2019|Patient Education|

What To Do About Cold Sores?

Shrug Them Off, or Seek Help? Cold sores, aka fever blisters, are known to medical professionals as outbreaks of the herpes simplex virus. Most of us have experienced them at one time or another, on the lips or inside the mouth. They can be spread by kissing or by sharing spoons, cups, or razors with an infected person. Once you get it, the virus remains for the rest of your life. So if you have it, be careful not to spread it. Cold sores [...]

By |2018-12-26T08:00:37-08:00December 26, 2018|Patient Education|

Fever Blisters, Cold Sores, Canker Sores

Some are caused by a virus, some hurt, and all are unpleasant socially. What exactly is that nasty thing on my mouth? And how do I get rid of it before Friday night? Cold Sores Cold sores and fever blisters are one and the same—small skin blisters on the mouth caused by Herpes simplex virus. When the virus acts up, the lips may become tender and blisters follow. Within a few days, blisters drain and dry, and the virus retreats to the nerve. Treatments [...]

By |2016-06-14T00:00:32-07:00June 14, 2016|Patient Education|