

Photography by Dr. Padval

Wisdom Teeth: Should They Stay Or Go?

Why Get Rid of Wisdom Teeth? Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars at the very back of the mouth. They appear in late adolescence, at about ages 17 to 25, depending on the individual. The problem is that most people simply don't have enough room to accommodate these extra teeth. When wisdom teeth are "impacted," it means they are causing problems for neighboring teeth, possibly disrupting their alignment. They are also notorious for emerging in irregular positions, partially emerging, or failing to [...]

By |2023-01-24T08:00:51-08:00January 24, 2023|Patient Education|

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Why Wisdom Teeth Need to Go Wisdom teeth are the largest teeth in your mouth, and the very last to come in. When they do, they can cause problems for the surrounding teeth, a condition we call impacted. Back in the day, before modern dentistry, people didn't take good care of their teeth. It was fairly common for people to lose one or more, even before early adulthood. When that was the case, it made sense that we had an extra set of molars. [...]

By |2022-06-21T08:00:46-07:00June 21, 2022|Patient Education|

Wisdom Teeth Removal

And what exactly does 'impacted' mean? Any tooth has the potential to become impacted—that is, emerge in some oddball direction that crowds other teeth. But the most famous culprits are third molars, the last-to-emerge wisdom teeth. Not many mouths can accommodate these teeth. They often wind up pressing against their neighbors, ultimately pressuring the rest of the teeth to disrupt their alignment. That’s not a wise thing to let happen. Wisdom teeth get our attention when they cause pain and swelling. Routine X-rays, beginning around age [...]

By |2015-12-15T00:00:41-08:00December 15, 2015|Patient Education|