

Photography by Dr. Padval

The Benefits of Probiotics

When thinking about bacteria, a good analogy is bugs in your garden. The bad ones eat your cherished plants and can carry diseases, but good bugs like bees and ladybugs exist as well. They help to undo the damage done by the bad bugs. With bacteria, it is much the same. The harmful bacteria spreads disease and discomfort—but the good type provides many benefits, especially in your digestive tract. Your mouth is the important starting point for digestion. As you chew, saliva adds enzymes [...]

By |2019-07-09T08:00:33-07:00July 9, 2019|Nutrition|

Vitamins, the Spice of Life

"Recommended Dietary Allowances." "Minimum Daily Requirement." Do you sometimes feel bullied by vitamin manufacturers and dietitians? Since the science of nutrition got off the ground, 40 or so nutrients vital to our health have been identified. And depending on what they're selling, we're told we need more or less of one or the other. In fact, with rare exceptions, a varied diet will fulfill all requirements for most people, without the need for supplements. The key word is variety. It's simple common sense. If [...]

By |2019-01-15T08:00:55-08:00January 15, 2019|Nutrition|

A Few Tips on Nutrition

Get Your Vitamins! Vitamin C is an extremely important in dentistry (and nutrition in general) because of how it helps control periodontal disease and other problems in the mouth. For one thing, Vitamin C—ascorbic acid—seems to help calcium do its job of halting the loss of bone. Animal studies at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine have shown that Vitamin C can inhibit bone shrinkage by 50% or more. But Vitamin C does a lot more than that! It's essential to construct the protein [...]

By |2018-07-24T00:00:40-07:00July 24, 2018|Nutrition|