
tooth decay

Photography by Dr. Padval

Choosing Breakfast

For Better Nutrition and Dental Health! It's often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and there's a lot of truth behind it. Though the links between eating, blood sugar levels, and performance aren't fully understood, the evidence suggests that eating breakfast boosts energy and attention span in the morning hours. But the benefits depend on the menu. From the standpoint of nutrition and dental health, the day's first meal can present a dilemma. You probably know that many cereals [...]

By |2020-04-21T08:00:56-07:00April 21, 2020|Nutrition|

Tooth Health: Cut out the Carbonation

Soda, Coke, Soft Drinks, Energy Drinks—whatever you call them, they're bad for teeth. You probably know that soft drinks aren't good for you. They are high in sugar and provide little nutrition other than some "empty calories." Even if you enjoy the diet/zero calorie versions, the acid content can be a problem. That's because the carbonation that provides the fizz and bubbles also contains carbonic acid, which can raise the ph balance of the mouth and weaken tooth enamel. Additionally, most soft drinks use [...]

By |2020-01-14T08:00:23-08:00January 14, 2020|Patient Education|

About Sugar

We Eat More Than We Think! The only thing good about sugar is...it tastes good! After that, it's all downhill... it's high in calories, provides only a brief increase in energy, and greatly increases the growth of bacteria and tooth decay potential. When Eskimos lived a sugar-free diet, their teeth were perfect. No cavities! Once whalers and traders introduced them to a Western diet, tooth decay skyrocketed. So, while you may not think that you're eating too much in your diet, beware of hidden [...]

By |2019-10-15T08:00:03-07:00October 15, 2019|Nutrition|

Analyzing Bad Breath

Bad breath (or halitosis) happens to all of us from time to time, and nobody likes it. As well as being a social embarrassment, bad breath can also be a warning sign of more serious dental problems. By analyzing the type of bad breath patients complain of, we can help determine its cause. What Causes Bad Breath? External Factors Food - If your breath is especially strong after fragrant meals with as garlic or onions, there's unfortunately not much to be done except to [...]

By |2019-10-01T08:00:08-07:00October 1, 2019|Restorative Dentistry|

How Often Do I Need a Checkup?

Make time for your T.L.C. That's Tender Loving Checkup! Routine, regular examinations let us catch tooth decay and periodontal disease before they cause major damage to your teeth... and saves you the added expense and discomfort of more complex dental treatment. For most of our patients, we recommend a checkup every six months, but there's nothing "magic" about that interval. Some need cleanings more frequently while others may not need to come in so often. Some mouths build up more tartar than others while [...]

By |2019-09-24T08:00:37-07:00September 24, 2019|Preventative Dentistry|

Cavities without Pain?

If It Ain't Broke, Why Fix It? Patients are sometimes surprised when they have a cavity or two and wonder, "How can I need a filling when I haven't been in any pain?" Unfortunately, this is common because cavities often don't give any warning signs at all. Teeth can become extremely broken down and even abscess due to decay and still never hurt. So while it may not be causing you any discomfort at the moment, our experience has shown that catching problems early [...]

By |2019-09-17T08:00:09-07:00September 17, 2019|Restorative Dentistry|

Fluoride Levels and The Goldilocks Rule

The best rule for fluoride is not too much. Not too little. Ever since the first American city began to manage fluoride levels in its water supply, there's been plenty of misinformation floating around regarding the potential benefits and dangers of this substance. In a nutshell, fluoride has been shown to help protect against tooth decay. It also exists naturally in most water supplies. When communities fluoridated their water, they weren't necessarily adding it; they were adjusting the dose to the best level. That's [...]

By |2019-07-23T08:00:42-07:00July 23, 2019|Preventative Dentistry|

Let’s Think About Prevention…

Prevention is the Best Way to Avoid Costly Dental Emergencies We understand that not all emergencies can be avoided, sometimes accidents happen. But skipping check-ups and avoiding the dentist is never a good way to save money. It will only result in more costly treatment needed down the road. Instead, we like to emphasize the value of maintaining your oral health. Just imagine that every time you brush, floss, or have a cleaning, it's as if the cost of a future dental problem becomes [...]

By |2019-07-16T08:00:07-07:00July 16, 2019|Preventative Dentistry|

Let’s Trend Towards Better Oral Health

Tooth decay is declining in everyone except among preschoolers. What can you do to give your kids a better future? Before the first tooth comes in, wipe baby's mouth clean with a damp washcloth. Once a tooth emerges, use a soft toothbrush twice daily for about 3 minutes. Kids are old enough to brush their own teeth when they can write their own name (which displays the dexterity required for brushing). Flossing begins when teeth grow to touch each other. Try flavored floss, and [...]

By |2019-02-19T08:00:33-08:00February 19, 2019|Children's Dentistry|

The Plus Sides of Fluoride

As a direct result of fluoridation, dental health in our part of the world turned around dramatically. The improvement is evident in our children, fluoride in our water reduces tooth decay in children by 50 percent. Why then, are some put off by the idea of fluoride? It's true that excessive levels of fluoride can actually damage tooth enamel—too much of any good thing is too much. But continuing research, down to the molecular level, proves the bottom line: fluoride is good for us. [...]

By |2018-10-23T00:00:35-07:00October 23, 2018|Preventative Dentistry|